
For Service Industry or any with multiple Options. 

We Make your complicate Quoting system SIMPLE

so you can give buyers INSTANT Self-Serve QUOTES

the way surveys indicate they want!

e Market Places LLC Patented 247eQuotes

Self-Serve will reduce your 8 Order Flow Steps

to 3 a 62% reduction.

Also get more exposure on 247eQuotes.Market with automated quotes without any vendor's human interaction.

The TrustRadius survey indicates (100%) want to find pricing information all or part on their own.

So, your free quote page with only contact info will not satisfy this new trend

Click here For Link to Survey

Click here For Link to another Survey

Click Here for a 30 Second Overview Video

Getting option answers for a dollar quote is time consuming & difficult.

4.23 Billion websites have ‘Free Quote’, ‘Free Estimate’ or ‘Call for Quote’ with only a contact form without any instant Quotes ability.

247eQuotes LLC, Automate it with Patented Self-Serve 247equotes™

Click here for 247equotes™ only costs $1/Product/day to do Automated Quotes from a link on your site 

Also receive automated quotes from our marketplace

1st one Free each month, then a low fee

Three easy Steps:

1. Sign Up

2. We create your unique site

3. Your admin Modifies the math to your pricing rules, then provide a Credit Card

If you do not want to add a link on your site, we will send Quotes/Orders to you with our Express product, only paying $ per transaction

Amazon Marketplace gets a lot web traffic but they only provide Off the shelf items

Click Here to start a 6 Min video about 247equotes 

Click Here to SIGN UP for 247equotes

or Click EXPRESS no monthly fee but only on marketplace.

We create your live site at www.247eQuotes.com/YourPhone# & you modify the math per your pricing rules. No Credit Card until you approve the math.

Start saving time with automated quoting.

Click Here for the Most Popular Offering & start Saving

Start your 30-Day Money back Guarantee! Sign-Upstarting for a low price of $1/Product/Day.

Our Marketplace Matched and Automates Quoting Without Human Effort.

Our Patented Marketplace is better than HomeAdvisor® or Angi® in that your site with us is only shown to prospects within your desired mile radius, automatically received the options answers from the Marketplace, calculates the $, sends it back INSTANTLY to the prospect on the Marketplace without any Human Effort on your part, you & prospect get an email of the quote with contact info. Prospect can place the order if they are ready to start the Install or Process.

Have you been frustrated with your website Free Quote contact form?

  1. The phone number or email is invalid.
  2. Only get an answering machine so you cannot get the option answers.
  3. When you finally contact them a week later, they have already bought elsewhere.

Your prospects will no longer have to wait up to 48 hours to submit their preferences and needs over the phone with you, then wait longer for you to email their quote. 

With 247equotes™ they will get an instant quote after selecting the options on a predefined Form! 

We are not advocating replacing your existing website:

  • You have a link placed on your present website or you only provide our web page to your staff if you do not want it open to the public.
    • Your contact only site FORM can be replaced with 'Instant Quote' that has a link to our www.247eQuotes.com\YourPhone# that has sufficient options to do a quote.
  • You control the option words, allowed answers, & math for computing the quote price. 
  • We do the rest of keeping your site up to date & backups.

247equotes™ is a revolutionary Patented instant pricing/quoting software that will save you and your potential customers’ time with the potential of increasing your sales and ROI. 

  • Are you interested in reducing overhead costs and time in the quotation process, while achieving more sales?
  • Are you interested in an automated self-Serve Instant Quote system with tracking of your Win vs Lose Quotes?
  • Are you interested in getting better pre-qualified leads that have a sufficient budget for your service or product?

This software also gives you exposure on our Market Place Click here to see how it works

Go to our ROI (Return on Investment) web page https://www.247equotes.com/ROI and discover your savings that can range for $4 to $1000s for each $1 spent on 247equotes. 

Still skeptical?  Test it for yourself with a 30-Day $ back Guarantee

Click Here to Register, In Notes enter "30-Day $ back Guarantee", complete the form and we will set up your Instant Quote Site at www.247eQuotes.com/YourPhone#

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